This Is Where You Can Find Me'
14 illustrators created visualised their sentiments for the special places in the city where they live and work, Rotterdam (NL). This is my contribution about the community garden plot where, together with my wife and artist Renée Turner, we write, draw, and garden. The book is an idea of illustrator Rachel Sender, who also founded Rotterdam Illustrators, to get a copy of this lusciously illustrated book please go to: https://rotterdamillustrators.nl/Shop
14 illustrators created visualised their sentiments for the special places in the city where they live and work, Rotterdam (NL). This is my contribution about the community garden plot where, together with my wife and artist Renée Turner, we write, draw, and garden. The book is an idea of illustrator Rachel Sender, who also founded Rotterdam Illustrators, to get a copy of this lusciously illustrated book please go to: https://rotterdamillustrators.nl/Shop